• What is the specifics of your massage, correction?
    As for the physical body-basically, the correction can be a mixture of classical massage and acupressure. There is no universal approach, the selection of equipment is based on the individual characteristics of the human body. Based on the understanding what a person needs to work on.
  • How do you define individual characteristics or what you need to work on?
    As a professional psychologist can tell a lot about the human mind only by his posture or gait, a good masseur can identify problem areas in the body.
  • Why don't you answer a lot of questions after the session?
    Because extra information can do more harm than good. Only the information you need to hear is heard.

    ...or I just don't know the answer...
  • Do you work with energy?
    What do you think is energy? Energy can be considered everything in this world. This is not something supernatural, everything has a scientific basis. For example, it is no secret that our brain can generate an electro-magnetic field and that it is possible to control such processes, if you are talking about this kind of energy - I would say - Yes.
  • What should be the break between sessions?
    Best 21 days. At least 9.
  • Why such a long period of time?
    The body must learn, integrate the changes that were laid during the session. If we consider that the average recovery time and integration is from 9 to 28 days, then do massage before that is just not rational.
  • I got sick after the massage, why? What is the reason?
    Any massage practice has a feature to stimulate lymph and blood flow in the body, which causes the release of waste and stagnant substances in the blood. These substances, getting into the blood, in turn cause intoxication, which leads to an increase in body temperature.

    This is a natural process of cleansing the body.