If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
The correction is aimed at achieving the integrity of all structures of the body and the human nature, and bringing them to the base state as much as possible.

The whole correction process can be divided into two main stages:


At the first stage, the work is aimed at channel alignment, integration, configuration of connections between mind and body. On adjustment of information flows and as a consequence on deeper feelings of a body. Thanks to this, a person begins to feel more subtly what he needs, becomes more focused, for example, a person begins to feel what kind of food he would better eat at the moment, where he or she would like to go and what to do. The body, over time, begins to respond and tell the right way.


As the next stage - work with psychosomatics.

Psychosomatics, as a direction in medicine, studies the influence of psychological factors on the health of the physical body - blocks, stiffness, spasms - most often they are results of psychosomatic manifestations. For example, if a person was bitten by a dog, he'll be afraid of this animal, and a spasm of the abdominal muscles occurs as a physical manifestation of this fear.

If the body is an intuition, a subconscious, a repository of information about past events that remembers everything; then the mind is a computer that analyzes this information. After adjusting the information the flow between the mind and the body opens the opportunity to pull(remember) in the conscious level of information situations that cause negative reactions. After receiving this information from the body and carrying out the rethinking of this information with the help of the mind, the attitude to these situations changes. After that, as a consequence, the mind is leveled and the body's work is normalized.

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